Wednesday, 25 February 2015


your words inspire me
light a fire inside me
the excitement of your youth
on a quest to share the truth
it inspires me to write again
to feel, to love, I might again
but experience has taught me
to be wary of this story
those butterflies don’t last
good intentions can die fast
I want to feel your energy
to share my heart and so feel free
but fear still has it’s grip on me

I’ll try to fight it, and we’ll see


In my mind you will forever be,
a scar on my left ankle.
Electrifying storms,
and magical plankton.
A firefly leads the way
To where I don’t know
You run too fast

Until it’s time to go.


We talked and I began to dream,
of ways to find this peace on earth.
What if soldiers all put down their weapons?
and refused to kill their fellow man,
if people all came together ,
and would not do what they are told,
but create a new world,
a different system,
where you do not fight for what is right,
but learn to know a life worth living,
and help each other along the way.
We have the tools to share our knowledge,
connections all around the world,
and if we build them , strong, with love,

we’ll find this peace of which I’ve heard.


I’m blinded
head over heels
its you that I feel
every moment of every day
my mind plays over what you say
how you move and speak and look into my eyes
I feel that you could tell no lies

I want you
to be mine and with no other
my best friend and my lover
I’ll be your number one fan
Buy a campervan
Travel time and space to be with you
I could …

But I’m leaving
I know I have to go
so I want you to know
you can come with me
run wild and be free
and even if you cant …

I’ll love you


943 friends
who are these people?
acquaintances I’ve met along the way
momentary connections here to stay
they say we’re loosing touch with what’s real
a plethora of friends and yet we feel
but is facebook really to blame for loneliness?
shares and likes becoming mindless
activate the mind and use it for what its for
strengthening contact with those you adore
not for all nine hundred and fourty three
but focus on those who might actually be
friendships grow and change throughout our lives
some become stronger while others die
those you love will help you through
but time and place will change both of you
good friends still love you whatever may come
but when they drift away, it can make you feel
alone fits like a glove one friend told me
because when your happy alone can feel free
don’t try to fill your void with another’s joy
that moments relief is just a decoy
build up your heart’s inner strength
and don't need, just love those 943 friends
love yourself and love all others
love the world like its your brother
feel the love inside and out
and let your love shine throughout
ups and downs that come your way
just know your love is here to stay
no harm in keeping track of acquaintances, seeing where they are in the world

just remember they’re not the friends whose love you hold


Step onto the backfoot, pivot and turn away,
ready to move,  I’m tensed,
I can still see you in the corner of my eye, feel your presence next to me...
But the weight is changed,
our hold is light.
Step back and you’ll move closer.
Step forward, you’ll move back.
This dance will continue,

until the music stops.